Excursus caravaggesco. In English the articles with the news on the commissions of some works by Caravaggio (translation by Lenore Rosenberg)

di Sergio Rossi

Stante le numerose richieste pervenuteci anche da amici e studiosi esteri che da tempo seguono la nostra rivista, pubblichiamo, in PDF,  gli articoli tradotti in lingua inglese, che il Prof. Sergio Rossi ha recentemente pubblicato su About Art con il titolo Excursus Caravaggesco. La traduzione è opera della dott.sa Leonore Rosenberg che ringraziamo sentitamente.

Excursus caravaggesco

Lenore Rosenberg has lived most of her life in Rome, Italy. She has taught Second Language Acquisition academic writing in Rome and Kansas. She is also a translator and a poet.
Her areas of specialization in translation include art, history and philosophy. Recent translations have included The Treasures of the Jewish Museum of Rome and Et ecce gaudium: The Roman Jews and the Investiture of the Pope (Daniele Di Castro), section of the catalogue Venice, the Jews and Europe at the Palazzo and Donatella Calabi’s Venice and its Jews: 500 years Since the Founding of the Ghetto.
Recent poems have been published in The Poetry of Lockdown 2020 and the Poetry is Like Bread ghazal run by Bowery Poetry.